Wednesday, January 04, 2006

married and adjusting

It's really very odd to think that I am a wife and that Ian is a husband. It feels right but the thought is an odd one. I rather enjoy being married but I am still having a hard time being away from home. The second night that we were married, which was our first night here in the house, I woke up at 3 in the morning and asked Ian if he could take me home and he told me that I was home and I was very confused about that. It is weird getting ready for work here and coming back here when work is done. I love this house but it has not become my home yet. I was told that it takes year to actually get adjusted to being married and start to feel at home. I guess you need to get through a bunch of holidays. I'm praying that it is sooner than that.

I miss my mommy...and daddy...and ginger...and my old pretty room....................................
.....................................................................................................and Devon.

But I love my Ian.



Anonymous said...

We miss you too! It's really odd to not have you here. I hope the adjustment is faster than a year. I know you don't have much time on your hands but take time to make that home yours. Love you baby. Mom

Elizabeth said...

You will adjust fast, I know it! I had that moment "What have I done??" when J and I were in Victoria staying at our cousins' house. It was scary, but life is wonderful and I am glad that I got over it super fast!
Love you,