Tuesday, March 21, 2006


My little Gilligan didn't make it.

Yesterday afternoon Gilligan was cold and he wasn't moving so I freaked out and called my mom and she said that I should take a warm face cloth and wrap him up. I did this and within a half an hour he was back to normal. Well at night at about 8:30, he again wasn't moving so I did the same thing, but after two hours he still wasn't movingand he was stiff. I put him back in with his mom and decided to wait until morning to see if anything had changed and it had not. My poor little bunny is no longer with us. Its just so silly. I know its only a rabbit, but it made me so sad, I just cried and cried and cried. I was so excited to save him and now he didn't make it. He was just so small and cute and his little eyes couldn't even open yet and his little ears were so sweet. How could I fall in love with something so small that isn't human and that I only knew for one day? Maybe I'm just crazy emotional right now.



Anonymous said...

That's so cute. Funny how we get attached to animals etc. You made a valiant effort. Maybe next time. I'm glad that you have crazy emotions. Like mother, like daughter. I love you. Franna

Elizabeth said...

I'm sorry that your little bunny didn't make it. It'd be great to see your mommy bunny pick up some parenting skills, eh? You're tough.. stay strong!

D said...

I'm sorry for your loss. We had a kitten who died on it's first day at home with us. Mat tried little kitten CPR and everything. It was so sad. We were both quite upset. Little baby animals are so precious. Hope the momma is okay.