Sunday, June 21, 2009

Don't Even Know If Anyone Reads This.

But I am going to write anyways.

So, it's father's day. It's a good day. I like thinking of my daddy and doing stuff for them. I enjoy reflecting on everything that he has done for me. I love that I have a father-in-law that I now also get to celebrate. I also enjoy taking the day to think of God, our father. These are the good things of the day.

Sometimes the day is hard though. This is Ian and my third father's day that we've been through hoping that Ian would be able to celebrate as being a father himself, but that is not the case again this year. We both know that it is all in God's timing as to when we will finally have a baby, but that doesn't always make it easy to wait for it.

We just keep praying. Praying that God will bless us with a baby and praying that in the meantime, while we wait for, that he gives us strength!

1 comment:

Bloggy Mama said...

We're praying for you, too.
Sending you bucket-loads of love.