Tuesday, February 28, 2006

We Lost It.

We didn't get the house. Due to alot of confusion and misunderstandings, the house went to some other people. Ian and I are very sad about this. But we aren't that worried. We believe that God will be with us and allow us to find just what we need.

I just never realized though how emotional finding and losing a house could be. As well as all the financial things to deal with. I am just exhausted with everything I've been doing. Real life is tough. I wouldn't change my life, but I sometimes wish that things could be easier and less stressful


Sunday, February 26, 2006

HOME Hunting (as in not just a house)

This is (hopefully, God willing) our new home. It is a half duplex on waddington. My father (Henry) made an appointment for Ian and me to see it on thursday. We loved it when we saw it, I especially loved it, the place felt like home instantly as I walked around it.

Funny story about this place and its previous owners. My aunt lived in THIS very house many years ago. The owner who is selling it now, I recognized when I saw her but I could not put a name to the face. Later as we were touring the house, I saw a cupboard with her kids names on it and I instantly remembered who she was. They are a quite well known family in the dentist office that I work in.

Anyways, so this house has a good size living room and kitchen, two bedrooms, one bathroom, a big rec-room downstairs, and a BIG laundry room that Ian wants to change into his new BIG shop. And the most wonderful part, a nice big, fenced yard for Dewie.

Another couple actually made an offer on this house on thursday and the owner called us to tell us about it. She said that she was holding them off until she heard from us because she really wanted us to have it! The awesome thing is, is that what Ian and dad and I were discussing what we were going to put down as an offer and it was higher than that other couple! ALRIGHT!!! So, what we really have to do now is figure out mortgage stuff (blah) and save, save, scrimp, and save for a down payment. Thank God for tax return. He he he.

We will have to see how things go. I really want this place. So please pray, pray, pray for us. I do not feel grown up enough for this. Oy vey.


Thursday, February 23, 2006

Guess What!!!!

It is only ONE MONTH UNTIL MY 22nd BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

Get prepared. Start thinking of what to get me. :)

love Kristin

Sad News

We now know the sexes of our bunnies. Thomas and Isabelle have been alive and together for about 9-10 months now and Ian and I began to think that they were the same sex, until now.

A few days ago, Ian and I noticed that Thomas' fur (he is the fuzzy bunny) was all over the deck, where the bunnies live. I made a joke about maybe Thomas was pregnant, but how could that be, they have been together for soooo long and no baby bunnies. A couple days after I had said that, Ian looked outside at the bunny house and noticed something sticking out of the door. He went to look and it was a frozen baby bunny. He then proceeded to look on the internet to see if it is ok to disrupt a bunny's house to check for more baby's and how to take care of baby bunnies. So he learned that he could move the house and went and got food and bedding. He lifted the house to find 3 more babies, all frozen to death as well. He cleaned them up right away to spare me from the horrible sight.

A tragic, tragic thing. It is now a sad thought of having to split Thomas (our girl) and Isabelle (our boy) up, because they love to hang out together. But it has to be, we cannot have another tragic bunny mishap.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Get Away

This past weekend, Ian and I went to Vancouver for a little, well I suppose you could call it, a honeymoon. We went for three days, friday, saturday, and sunday.
Here is a look at our itinerary.

-we left Kamloops at about 9:00 am, after dropping Dewie off and my mom and dad's. (thanks for puppy sitting)
-we arrived in Vancouver at about 12:00 pm.
-we found our hotel at about 1:30 pm (we got lost and missed out exit and went almost ALL the way to the ferry terminal and realized that we missed it, this was my fault not Ian's)
-our room wasn't ready until 3 so we went to Metrotown Mall and walked around the whole mall
-went back to our hotel and got our room to our surprise, it was tiny. Very funny, we were not expecting that. It didn't even have a bath tub, just a shower stall. Nice place though.
-we went back to Metrotown mall and parked there, bought sky train tickets and went to downtown vancouver to go to the TALL GIRL SHOP!!!!!!!!
-I bought 5 pairs of pants!!!!
-we went to the old spaghetti factory in gas town for dinner, then walked around and saw some of the sights downtown
-then we took the sky train back to the mall and went to our hotel and went to bed

- we woke up and got ready and walked for about a half an hour to the nearest sky train station.
- we got off at the science world main street station and had to wait an hour for science world to open
- we needed breakfast so we walked around until we found a starbucks for a coffee and a muffin(we walked between GM place and BC place)
- we spent a couple of hours acting like children in science world, learning is fun!
- we were going to go the Aquarium but after science world, we were a little touristed out
- we then went to the waterfront on the sky train and then hopped on the sea bus to Lonsdale Quay and had lunch and went shopping in the little market (we went into a games shop and found the Beanz game!!!! We didn't buy it, it is cheaper to buy on the internet)
- we then hopped on the sky train and went to metrotown mall again to actually go into stores and shop
-we only went into HMV and bought movies. Hehehehehehehehehe.
-Ian wanted to find a music store to go to so we looked in a phone book and went back downtown vancouver
-we then walked around downtown vancouver and decided that we were bored and didn't know where anything was and then went back to the hotel
-we stayed there until we got hungry and decided to go see a movie at silvercity
- there was nothing good playing so we just ate at TGI Fridays and then went to the hotel and watched some TV

- we woke up and got ready for church
- we found the route on a map to Ian's aunt Dawn and Uncle Rae's church
- we checked out of the hotel
- we left super early and found the church but we were there an hour and a half early
- we found a Timmies and had breakfast
- after we drove around Richmond (because that is where the church is) and just saw a bit of the city
- went to church and surprised Ian's aunt and uncle and two cousins
- then Auntie Dawn took us and a 7 other people out for lunch (thanks again auntie dawn)
- then we went to ikea in richmond and spent alot of money
- then we drove home and picked up our dog

what a good trip. It's nice to just go away and forget that you have a job or responsibilities.
it is also nice to be back home.


PS. it took me a few days to write this blog because it was alot to type and i have been trying to be a good girl and do my school work.

Friday, February 17, 2006

We need some prayer please!!!!

So, there are things in life that Ian and I know that we can not do alone. We know that we need God to help us. We also need to the help of our family and friends. If you feel called, could you please pray for one or more of these needs.

1) I only have 4 weeks left to finish my school work. I have alot to do, and I have the next two weeks half off to try and finish, so please pray that God will give me the determination and brain power to study and pass.

2) I found out that Ian and I will have to move out of our condo in May due to our landlord's daughter moving back to town and needed to live here. Please pray that God will provide us with a good place to live that we can afford.

3) Ian is off work right now due to sickness and cold weather. I have off to finish school. We will not be making alot of money, and we are looking at buying a place to live in, also we have some big expenses coming up (ie. school). Please just pray that God will provide. I know that he will, but prayer for it is still in need.

Thats all that is on my mind right now.
Thanks to those who are praying for us already, we love and appreciate you, and we are praying for you too.


Another Baby!

Again, not a baby of mine, but a related baby. My cousin Mark and his wife Stephanie have a new little baby boy, Theo Jonathan Carroll. Here he is:Welcome to earth, little man!


Thursday, February 16, 2006

Sunday, February 05, 2006

First Dinner Party

Today, after church, I was secretly hoping that the boyz would ask me if I would make lunch. But alas, they did not. We went to the Burcharts for Uncle Dave's left over meat loaf (very good), so I had to step up and ask them over, and to make sure that they came I had to bribe them with wonderful delicious STEAK!!! And it worked!!! They all came over and saw my new couches and the house with the furniture in it, and they ate. Food was great, company was fabulous. It made me feel so happy. No longer lonely. And the most fun part was that Ian and I cleaned the whole house together, so it's really clean and then we rearranged the living room and computer desk. It looks so nice and much more open and spacious. You should come over and see it some time, maybe come for dinner.

Call us, 372-9663


Saturday, February 04, 2006

A Cute Picture

I don't have kids to show off on this blog like some people i know, but here's a cute picture i took today of my little dependent.

Friday, February 03, 2006

In Memoriam

As some of you may know, a year ago yesterday my grandpa passed away. I just thought i would use this post to remember him. In honor of grandpa, yesterday i went to his favorite hangout, the North Shore A&W. We sure miss you grandpa!


Thursday, February 02, 2006

Apart from the World

Lately I feel as though I'm not quite with it. I feel very anti-social. I am function wonderfully at work, doing a great job and acting like a normal person, but the instant that I am not at work it is almost like I'm confused about what to do. I just cannot seem to pick up the phone and call a friend and say, "hey, wanna do something?". If someone would call me I would go for sure but I can't call myself. I can't even seem to email friends from far away and ask them how they are. I really want to do it, I miss all of my friends, but even now, just sitting here, I can't motivate myself to do it.
I don't believe that this is a normal thing. Is this a physcological problem? Have I been hurt by friends and am afraid of rejection or judgement? These are questions that I ask myself but I just don't know the answer to.
Even with Ian, I feel like he doesn't want me around or that he is not attracted to me. I know that he is, he tells me all the time that is, but I feel as though he doesn't.
Perhaps this is just a self-esteem issue that I should deal with. I don't know. All I know is that I'm praying for change, 'cause this anti-socialism has GOT TO GO!!!!