Thursday, February 23, 2006

Sad News

We now know the sexes of our bunnies. Thomas and Isabelle have been alive and together for about 9-10 months now and Ian and I began to think that they were the same sex, until now.

A few days ago, Ian and I noticed that Thomas' fur (he is the fuzzy bunny) was all over the deck, where the bunnies live. I made a joke about maybe Thomas was pregnant, but how could that be, they have been together for soooo long and no baby bunnies. A couple days after I had said that, Ian looked outside at the bunny house and noticed something sticking out of the door. He went to look and it was a frozen baby bunny. He then proceeded to look on the internet to see if it is ok to disrupt a bunny's house to check for more baby's and how to take care of baby bunnies. So he learned that he could move the house and went and got food and bedding. He lifted the house to find 3 more babies, all frozen to death as well. He cleaned them up right away to spare me from the horrible sight.

A tragic, tragic thing. It is now a sad thought of having to split Thomas (our girl) and Isabelle (our boy) up, because they love to hang out together. But it has to be, we cannot have another tragic bunny mishap.

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