Thursday, March 16, 2006


So here is the update on my tests.

I wrote them all including my final. I passed all of them except for one, dental reception. I have to rewrite this test on monday when schools are back from spring break. I will not find out the results of my final exam until that test is written and marked. I am coming very close to my deadline. That test will be written on the 2oth, received by the school by the 21st and then marked. My deadline is the 22nd of march!!!! So I better have passed that final exam, which I am thinking that I did. And if all goes according to plan, I will be done my school work and just need to go to Edmonton for my practical courses and then I AM A CDA!!!!! Oh, that sounds heavenly. My brain and body can't wait, this is taking way too much out of the two.

Well I'll try to keep you posted on what's going on in this house.


P.S. I got 99% on my prosthodontics!!!! (that is crowns and bridges, etc) Woot honors!!!!


Elizabeth said...

good for you!! We'll be so glad when you are all done!

Anonymous said...

The end is in sight. I think it's so great that you'll have a career. I thank God and Dr.John that he gave you this opportunity. Well done my sweetie. Have a great day. Love Franna

Yvonne said...

Hey Kristen,
Yvonne here... I came across your blog, and enjoyed seeing a bit of what you're up to. I saw mention of something of Edmonton in there... haha, well if you're here in the next 3 months and need a place to stay, let me know. cheers