Friday, April 21, 2006

264 Hollyburn Dr.

THIS JUST IN: The mortgage was approved! We're ready to rock and/or roll. So excited.

i've decided (i'm ian by the way) to upload some pictures of our new house for all the folks who read the blog. Some of these pictures were taken by the realtor who listed the place and some were taken by Rudy Suppanz of Gold Seal Property Inspection Service. If you're looking for a good home inspector who will tell you everything you need to know, then talk to Rudy. I've got his number if you want it.

The first picture is the exterior of the house. As you can guess, our half is the one with the FOR SALE sign in the front. The tall half. The cool half. Anyways, as you can see, the exterior is finishe with stucco and wood siding. This can all be changed thanks to my wonderful ties to the exterior renovation business. We'll see. We've got a 2 car side-by-side driveway, very handy for a two car family like us (though i may be selling my car).

Next is the front yard. We don't really have much of a yard here, which is really ok with me because A) we don't have a lawnmower and B) less work for us. There are some nice little garden type things here, as well as a spruce tree, a baby apple tree and a teeny tiny rose bush.

Check out this next picture. I never really looked at the backyard, and from the house you don't see too much because it slopes down towards the back. But this is sweet. I'm seeing this for the first time too so we can all be in amazement. As you can see, there are some stairs as well as some nice flat areas which would be perfect for building, say, a gazebo. Or maybe even a pergola! I've always wanted a pergola. There are also some garden areas here. The current owner was telling us what sort of stuff we could find in the gardens, stuff she had planted. But it was all too much to remember so i guess we'll find out what is there when it all grows. First on the agenda for the backyard though is to Dewie-Proof it. He jumped through a hole in the fence at Fran and Henry's that was like 3 1/2 feet off the ground. Circus dog.

This picture is a strange view of our deck. From the roof. But we have a deck!! It's pretty nice. Initially there was a concern about insurance and the height of the railing, but that's no longer an issue. The issue now is that the pickets are 5" From apart and should be more like 4". There are several things we can do to fix that so it's all good. It's a nice little deck and has a very nice mountain view. It gets morning sun only so it won't get sweltering hot either. Perfect for barbecueing (sp?) and whatnot (I hope you're enjoying my random links. I know I am.).

The next photo is of the entrance & downstairs bathroom. That's right folks, the place has 2 bathrooms! It's incredible, i know. The entrance has some little wooden spindly thingys that i don't particularly enjoy. We'll see how long they last. The entry and bathroom both have ceramic tile floors, very classy.

Next we'll journey to the living room. Here we'll see that there's a wood-burning fireplace. This is a nice added bonus for some extra heat or added romance. Laminate floors extend from the living room at the front of the house to the dining room at the back. The kitchen, which we'll see next, has ceramic tile floors.

The kitchen, as i mentioned, like 5 seconds ago, has ceramic tile floors. The cabinets are very nicely painted and seem to be in great condition. the countertop looks pretty new too. The kitchen contains a fridge and stove as well as a dishwasher. The stove and dishwasher are 2 years old, the fridge is 5, the washer and dryer, which we won't see on this tour, are one year old (pretty cool too, a stand up model). Kristin loves this kitchen. Ian loves that Kristin loves this kitchen.

So basically that concludes the tour, simply because we have no pictures of the upstairs at all. The inspection didn't really cover anything like that and they didn't show the bedrooms in the real estate listing. Needless to say, though, we are very excited about moving in. And, we get to move in on the 29th! That means that everything has to go through very quickly, so we are still not really out of the woods. I think all that's really left is things to do with the lawyer and switching things around with titles and whatnot. Keep praying for us and thanks for sticking around for this lengthy tour of our house. Have a great day!

Monday, April 17, 2006

The Real Deal

Ian and I have posted before that we had a house that we were going to buy, and then we didn't end up buying it due to misunderstandings of the seller and the buyers (us).

But now, that is all changed. Ian and I have found a house with the help of my dad and Ron VanBuren (our realtor). It is a half duplex on holleyburn. It big and perfect and has a fenced in backyard for our Dewie. It has a sundeck and even a workbench for Ian. It has appliances that are all within 1-5 years. The kitchen is perfect size for me. Our bedroom is a good size with a walk-in closet!!! And the living room is bright and cheery and has two big windows with a WOOD FIREPLACE in between.

Last night we made an offer on it and we will get it for 187, 500. Not bad for the compared prices in this town. So now all that's left is our subject tos and then we have a house, and we will have possession (hopefully) by april 29, so that we can move straight from where we live now to the new place. The owners now were going to leave in two weeks anyway.

EEP! I'm so excited. This was just another God send thing. He is just always looking out for us. Helping us find the perfect place when we were in despair about ever finding it.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Big Marital Step

Awwwww. How cute. A young married couple's first illness together.

This morning, Ian and I both woke up feeling very nauseous and dizzy. No one else that we now is sick like us, so it wasn't anything we ate because we have been eating at my mom's house for the last few days. I would really like to know why we are sick.

Ian called in sick today and I should have but I didn't. I went to work and felt awful. All I had the whole day was water to drink and then at about 2 I had a juice box and had a hard time keeping it down. I did though. Ian ate some crackers in the morning and then threw up. In the afternoon he ate a lot of crackers but he threw that up as well. When I came home from work, I passed out on our bed, I slept for about an hour and now I am feeling quite a lot better. I'm eating crackers right as I am typing this and they are sitting nicely in my tummy, for now. Ian is feeling worse, however. He is still in bed wishing that he was better.

Hopefully you soon will be baby!


Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Today my grandpa would have been 87. He died last year, February 2nd. He's gone but not forgotten.
