Tuesday, August 25, 2009

One Year Goes By So Fast.....

One year ago today I had my miscarriage. It doesn't seem that long ago. It still feels fresh in my mind. Nothing has happened since then in terms of getting pregnant, but on a positive note, at least I can get pregnant. Ian and I have decided in the last few months that we would like to start the process of adopting. We've always known that we wanted to adopt but we thought that we have a baby on our own first. As that doesn't seem to be happening the way that we hoped, we just decided that we try for both and whatever happens first is fantastic. We have been trying really hard to get our house projects all done so that we can start homestudy.

But to distract ourselves from getting the house done, we bought a Wii. May not be the best idea because we might just play it a lot but it is soooo much fun. So, anytime you want to come over to play it, please do. Or if you want to come over to help us on the house, we would love that too!