Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Baby Fever

There was a time in Ian and my very early marriage (like we have been married for so long right now), where Ian had baby fever and he wanted to have one so bad and I was all against it. I somehow managed to shake that idea out of his head and I wish that I knew how I did it to use it on myself. That's right, I have baby fever.

There are just so many women in my life who are pregnant or just had babies. And it seems that when I turn the corner some other friend of mine is pregnant. It makes me so happy for them but it also makes me incredibly jealous. I wish I could just stop this silly nonsense. I mean, I just bought a house and work is going really well but I know that now is not the time to be getting pregnant, but I still crave it so badly. It doesn't help that I have all these adorably neices and nephews that I adore. I just want one for myself. I used to babysit my nephew Hunter to get over my fever but instead he just makes me want one all the more.

Goodness, what is a girl to do?!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

50th Post!!!

So, as some of you may know, two weekends ago I(kristin) went to edmonton to do my practical evaluation. I was gone for two nights, and though I missed Ian, I was doing okay, until I failed my practical evaluation and then I wanted to just go home and be with him and cry. I'll give more details on the failing in a sec. Anyways, tonight Ian had to go to Lilloet for one night for work, and I'm in our new house, all alone, and so sad and missing him. Point to my babble is that it sucks when you are the person who is left behind. It is very lonely. I miss you Ian! *weep weep*

Right, so further on my evaluation. The instructor that I was supposed to get was sick so I got the head instructor who was really tough on me(more so than the other instructors were on the other girls). I was nervous to begin with and I have a case of test anxiety, she did not make it better. She made me feel really awkward and uncomfortable and so as a result, I screwed up BIG time. I can't retake my practical evaluation until september which means I have to miss all the my classes that are in the summer time and finish them all next summer. I can take a few this year so I will not be gone for such a long period of time.

I am both happy and sad about all this. I'm upset because I don't get to be an assistant this year AND in 2007 the canadian dental association is making it mandatory for new CDA's to take a test in order to work in all provinces. Blah, more tests. But I am also very happy because of our recent purchase of a house, I wasn't really able to afford school, missing work, and a house. Plus, I didn't want to leave my husband for so long, especially in our first year of marriage. It wouldn't matter if I wasn't the one being left behind. I would miss Ian. I guess God does things for the best. I'm young, I have lots of life ahead of me. When I'm 60, will I really care that I had to wait 1 more year to become an assistant. No.

Speaking of work and all, it's getting late and I need sleep in order to function at my job. So g'night y'all. Tee hee!!!


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Back in Black

Just a short post to let everyone know that we are officially at our new house! We are getting settled and are close to having everything unpacked i think. Expect some more posting soon!
